Famous people died in 2 September

Ronald Coase

Ronald Coase

Ronald Coase was a highly acclaimed British economist who became the proud recipient of Nobel Prize in Economics in 1991

BritishDecember 29, 1910138 views
Bernardino Rivadavia

Bernardino Rivadavia

Bernardino Rivadavia was the first President of Argentina

ArgentinianMay 20, 1780109 views
Enid Lyons

Enid Lyons

Enid Lyons was the first woman to be elected to the Australian House of Representatives

AustralianJuly 9, 1897104 views
Alfonso García Robles

Alfonso García Robles

Alfonso García Robles was a Mexican diplomat who was the driving force behind the Treaty of Tlatelolco

MexicanMarch 20, 1911131 views
George W. Norris

George W. Norris

George William Norris was a progressive and liberal U.S

AmericanJuly 11, 1861130 views
Pierre de Coubertin

Pierre de Coubertin

Pierre de Coubertin was a French educator and historian who played a major role in the founding of the International Olympic Committee.

FrenchJanuary 1, 186395 views
George Reginald Starr

George Reginald Starr

George Reginald Starr was a British mining engineer who served as one of SOE’s best wartime agents during World War II

BritishApril 6, 1904137 views
Barbara McClintock

Barbara McClintock

Barbara McClintock was a renowned American scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for her pioneering research on genetic transposition

AmericanJune 16, 1902148 views
Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson was a famous Australian writer, known for works including ‘The Drover’s Wife’, and ‘Past Carin’

AustralianJune 17, 1867106 views
Jože Javoršek

Jože Javoršek

Joze Javorsek was a Slovenian playwright, poet and essayist

SlovenianOctober 20, 1920177 views