Famous people born in 5 June - page 3

Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson is an American performance artist, known for her unique spoken-word albums and distinctive performance art pieces

AmericanJune 5, 1947146 views

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes was the most influential British economist of the 20th century

BritishJune 5, 1883146 views

George Stephen

George Stephen was a Canadian, Scottish born businessman who played the prominent role in the construction of Canadian Pacific Railway

CanadianJune 5, 1829237 views

Peter Wentz

Pete Wentz is a famous American Musician, lyricist, bass player and author

AmericanJune 5, 1979153 views

David Brudnoy

David Brudnoy was an American talk radio host, famous for his ‘The David Brudnoy Show’ which aired on WBZ-AM station

AmericanJune 5, 1940186 views

David Wagoner

David Wagoner is one of the eminent contemporary American poet-cum-novelists

AmericanJune 5, 1926164 views