Famous Welsh Women

The Most Famous Welsh Women

Emma Rhys-JonesJuly 29, 1991WelshEmma Rhys-Jones is best known as the fiancée of Welsh professional footballer Gareth Bale
Shirley BasseyJanuary 8, 1937WelshShirley Bassey is a world-famous Welsh singer who has recorded numerous hits and is best known for her three James Bond theme songs.
Marina DiamandisOctober 10, 1985WelshMarina Diamandis is a Welsh singer-songwriter known by her stage name 'Marina and the Diamonds'
Sian PhillipsMay 14, 1933WelshSian Phillips is a renowned Welsh actress who has a left an indelible mark on the world of acting
Emma Rhys-Jones

Emma Rhys-Jones

Emma Rhys-Jones is best known as the fiancée of Welsh professional footballer Gareth Bale

WelshJuly 29, 19911,565 views
Sian Phillips

Sian Phillips

Sian Phillips is a renowned Welsh actress who has a left an indelible mark on the world of acting

WelshMay 14, 1933215 views
Shirley Bassey

Shirley Bassey

Shirley Bassey is a world-famous Welsh singer who has recorded numerous hits and is best known for her three James Bond theme songs.

WelshJanuary 8, 1937495 views
Marina Diamandis

Marina Diamandis

Marina Diamandis is a Welsh singer-songwriter known by her stage name 'Marina and the Diamonds'

WelshOctober 10, 1985424 views