Famous Senegalese

The Most Famous Senegalese

Abdou DioufSeptember 7, 1935SenegaleseAbdou Diouf was the second President of Senegal; he served from 1981 to 2000.This biography of Abdou Diouf provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline.
Sadio ManéApril 10, 1992SenegaleseSadio Mane is a Senegalese professional footballer
Abdoulaye WadeMay 29, 1926SenegaleseAbdoulaye Wade is a Senegalese politician, lawyer, and professor, who served as the President of Senegal from 2000 to 2012
Blaise DiagneOctober 13, 1872SenegaleseBlaise Diagne was one of the most important figures in the history of African politics
Léopold Sédar SenghorOctober 9, 1906SenegaleseLeopold Sedar Senghor became the first President of the Republic of Senegal after his nation gained independence from the colonial regime
Mamadou DiaJuly 18, 1910SenegaleseMamadou Dia was a Senegalese politician who became the first Prime Minister of Senegal
Léopold Sédar Senghor

Léopold Sédar Senghor

Leopold Sedar Senghor became the first President of the Republic of Senegal after his nation gained independence from the colonial regime

Abdou Diouf

Abdou Diouf

Abdou Diouf was the second President of Senegal; he served from 1981 to 2000.This biography of Abdou Diouf provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline.

Mamadou Dia

Mamadou Dia

Mamadou Dia was a Senegalese politician who became the first Prime Minister of Senegal

SenegaleseJuly 18, 1910112 views
Abdoulaye Wade

Abdoulaye Wade

Abdoulaye Wade is a Senegalese politician, lawyer, and professor, who served as the President of Senegal from 2000 to 2012

SenegaleseMay 29, 1926175 views
Blaise Diagne

Blaise Diagne

Blaise Diagne was one of the most important figures in the history of African politics

SenegaleseOctober 13, 1872156 views
Sadio Mané

Sadio Mané

Sadio Mane is a Senegalese professional footballer

SenegaleseApril 10, 1992206 views