Famous Marxists - List of Famous Marxists

Marxism is an ideology propagated by the great German revolutionary and philosopher Karl Marx. The intention of Marxism is to shun hierarchy and create a classless society where everybody is treated with equal respect and dignity. Marx was apparently furious by the way states were governed according to the whims and fancies of the ruling class, without considering the interests of the commoners. Thus, Karl Marx paved the way for a new revolution, a movement which revolted against monarchy and fought for the betterment of the society. Marx had even penned his thoughts in a book called ‘Das Kapital’, which spoke about capitalism and is considered one of the most influential literary works in history. This book has also significantly changed the style of governance in many countries across the world. The followers of Marx and his ideology are Marxists. Nations like China, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam have been governed by Marx’s ideology for several years now. In fact, Cuba, which was governed by the legendary Fidel Castro for almost 5 decades, continues to be governed by a Marxist model. Many famous celebrities were Marxists too. Online sources have claimed that musicians like John Lennon, Tom Morello and Tupac Shakur have Marxist leanings. The ‘Beatles’ star John Lennon was one of the most influential and powerful public figures in England during the glorious 60’s and 70’s. In one of his interviews, Lennon had claimed that he’s a socialist. Here’s a list which consists of other famous celebrities who are Marxists too.

These Marxists include celebrities like John Lennon, Tupac Shakur and Tom Morello

The Most Famous Marxists

John GarangJune 23, 1945SudaneseJohn Garang is a Sudanese politician, who founded and led the 'Sudan People's Liberation Army' in the ‘Second Civil War’
Bertolt BrechtFebruary 10, 1898GermanBertolt Brecht was a German poet, playwright and theatre personality
Carlos FuentesNovember 11, 1928MexicanCarlos Fuentes was a Mexican novelist, diplomat and scholar who was an important influence on the Latin American Boom Movement
Hella WuolijokiJuly 22, 1886FinnsHella Wuolijoki was a playwright, business magnate, politician and reporter and is known for her works towards female empowerment in Finland
George JacksonSeptember 23, 1941AmericanGeorge Jackson was an African-American revolutionary, left-wing activist and Marxist
Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes was a Mexican novelist, diplomat and scholar who was an important influence on the Latin American Boom Movement

MexicanNovember 11, 1928178 views

Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht was a German poet, playwright and theatre personality

GermanFebruary 10, 1898350 views

John Garang

John Garang is a Sudanese politician, who founded and led the 'Sudan People's Liberation Army' in the ‘Second Civil War’

SudaneseJune 23, 1945520 views

Hella Wuolijoki

Hella Wuolijoki was a playwright, business magnate, politician and reporter and is known for her works towards female empowerment in Finland

FinnsJuly 22, 1886137 views

George Jackson

George Jackson was an African-American revolutionary, left-wing activist and Marxist

AmericanSeptember 23, 1941136 views