Famous Former Chancellor of Germany

The Most Famous Former Chancellor of Germany

Konrad AdenauerJanuary 5, 1876GermanKonrad Adenauer was the first Chancellor of Germany after the World War II
Willy BrandtDecember 18, 1913GermanWilly Brandt was a Nobel Peace Prize winning German statesman and politician, who was the chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974
Helmut KohlApril 3, 1930GermanHelmut Kohl was the former Chancellor of Germany and is regarded as the greatest European leader of the second half of the 20th century
Willy Brandt

Willy Brandt

Willy Brandt was a Nobel Peace Prize winning German statesman and politician, who was the chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974

GermanDecember 18, 1913181 views

Konrad Adenauer

Konrad Adenauer was the first Chancellor of Germany after the World War II

GermanJanuary 5, 1876204 views

Helmut Kohl

Helmut Kohl was the former Chancellor of Germany and is regarded as the greatest European leader of the second half of the 20th century

GermanApril 3, 1930121 views