Famous Former British Prime Minister

The Most Famous Former British Prime Minister

Harold WilsonMarch 11, 1916BritishHarold Wilson was a British Labour politician who served twice as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom
Clement AttleeJanuary 3, 1883BritishClement Richard Attlee was a British Labour Party politician and Britain’s first post-World War II Prime Minister
Stanley BaldwinAugust 3, 1867BritishStanley Baldwin was a British Conservative Politician and three times Prime Minister of Great Britain
Harold MacmillanFebruary 10, 1894BritishHarold Macmillan was an English statesman from the ‘Conservative Party’ who served as the Prime Minister of the UK from 1957 to 1963
George CanningApril 11, 1770BritishGeorge Canning was a renowned British politician who also served as the Prime Minister of the UK for a short time
Stanley Baldwin

Stanley Baldwin

Stanley Baldwin was a British Conservative Politician and three times Prime Minister of Great Britain

BritishAugust 3, 1867177 views
Harold Wilson

Harold Wilson

Harold Wilson was a British Labour politician who served twice as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom

BritishMarch 11, 1916218 views
Harold Macmillan

Harold Macmillan

Harold Macmillan was an English statesman from the ‘Conservative Party’ who served as the Prime Minister of the UK from 1957 to 1963

BritishFebruary 10, 1894155 views
Clement Attlee

Clement Attlee

Clement Richard Attlee was a British Labour Party politician and Britain’s first post-World War II Prime Minister

BritishJanuary 3, 1883188 views
George Canning

George Canning

George Canning was a renowned British politician who also served as the Prime Minister of the UK for a short time

BritishApril 11, 1770115 views