Famous people died in 11 August

Max Theiler

Max Theiler

Max Theiler was a South African-American virologist who developed a vaccine against yellow fever

Thaddeus Stevens

Thaddeus Stevens

Thaddeus Stevens was a 19th century Republican politician who was one of the most powerful members in the U.S

AmericanApril 4, 1792102 views
Herb Brooks

Herb Brooks

Herb Brooks was an American ice-hockey player and coach – he was the head coach of the gold medal-winning U.S

AmericanAugust 5, 1937135 views
Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Robin Williams was an American actor best known for his performance in the movie ‘Good Will Hunting’

AmericanJuly 21, 1951254 views
Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie was a famous businessman and philanthropist and one of the richest men in the history of the world

AmericanNovember 25, 1835197 views
Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock was a visual artist who hailed from America and was renowned for his unconventional painting techniques

AmericanJanuary 28, 1912182 views
Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American writer

AmericanJanuary 24, 1862146 views