Famous Terrorists - List of Famous Terrorists

For the average American, the very mention of the word “terrorism” would bring back painful memories of the September 11 attacks in which almost 3,000 people were killed. The attacks, executed by the militant group Al-Qaeda, were planned by the group’s leader Osama bin Laden. Besides these attacks, bin Laden was also behind other mass-casualty attacks worldwide. He was finally killed in 2011 in a covert operation undertaken under President Obama. While bin Laden has been killed, America’s war against terrorism continues as there are still numerous terrorists named in the list of FBI Most Wanted Terrorists. One of these notorious men, Jamal Ahmad Mohammad Al Badawi, is convicted of having a role in the USS Cole bombing. He is still at large and there is a reward of $5 million for information leading to his capture. Another terrorist on the list is Abu Ibrahim, wanted in connection with the 1982 bombing of Pan Am Flight 830. While the government is still seeking information regarding several absconding terrorists, many other terrorists who were once on the list have already been captured or killed. Fahd al-Quso, Jainal Antel Sali, and Khadafi Abubakar Janjalani are among the ones who have been killed. Check out this section to know more about some of the deadliest terrorists world has ever seen.

The Most Famous Terrorists

Ayman al-ZawahiriJune 19, 1951EgyptianAyman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri is the current leader of terrorist group al-Qaeda
Mullah KrekarJuly 7, 1956IraqiMullah Krekar is a Kurdish Sunni Islamist Islamic scholar who was the original leader of the terrorist organization Ansar al-Islam (Helpers of Islam).
Dawood IbrahimDecember 27, 1955IndianDawood Ibrahim is a notorious Indian gangster and a designated terrorist
Samantha LewthwaiteDecember 5, 1983BritishSamantha Lewthwaite, better known as the White Widow, is a terror suspect
Osama Bin LadenMarch 10, 1957Saudi ArabianThe international religious fundamentalist is believed to be the master-mind behind the infamous September 11 attacks
Ted KaczynskiMay 22, 1942AmericanTed Kaczynski is an infamous criminal who became known for a campaign of letter bombs he sent by the name ‘Unabomber’
Khalid Sheikh MohammedMarch 1, 1964PakistaniKhalid Sheikh Mohammed is an Islamist militant, who was named as 'the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks'
Ayman al-Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri

Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri is the current leader of terrorist group al-Qaeda

EgyptianJune 19, 19511,956 views

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is an Islamist militant, who was named as 'the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks'

PakistaniMarch 1, 1964190 views

Mullah Krekar

Mullah Krekar is a Kurdish Sunni Islamist Islamic scholar who was the original leader of the terrorist organization Ansar al-Islam (Helpers of Islam).

IraqiJuly 7, 1956732 views

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim is a notorious Indian gangster and a designated terrorist

IndianDecember 27, 1955543 views

Samantha Lewthwaite

Samantha Lewthwaite, better known as the White Widow, is a terror suspect

BritishDecember 5, 1983395 views

Osama Bin Laden

The international religious fundamentalist is believed to be the master-mind behind the infamous September 11 attacks

Ted Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski is an infamous criminal who became known for a campaign of letter bombs he sent by the name ‘Unabomber’

AmericanMay 22, 1942338 views