Famous Game Commentator

The Most Famous Game Commentator

DashiexpJune 11, 1985DominicanCheck out all that you wanted to know about DashieXP (Charlie Guzman), the famous YouTube comedian and game commentator; his birthday, his family and personal life, fun trivia facts and more.
JacksepticeyeFebruary 7, 1990IrishSeán William McLoughlin, aka jacksepticeye, is an Irish YouTube star, producer, game commentator, and social media personality


Seán William McLoughlin, aka jacksepticeye, is an Irish YouTube star, producer, game commentator, and social media personality

IrishFebruary 7, 1990146 views


Check out all that you wanted to know about DashieXP (Charlie Guzman), the famous YouTube comedian and game commentator; his birthday, his family and personal life, fun trivia facts and more.

DominicanJune 11, 1985228 views