Famous people born in 2 April - page 4

Benjamin Lasnier

Benjamin Lasnier

Check out all that you wanted to know about Benjamin Lasnier, the famous singer & social media star; his birthday, his family and personal life, his girlfriends, fun trivia facts and more.

DanishApril 2, 1999348 views

Rodney King

Famous for the 1991 police car chase and abuse, Rodney King was an African-American construction worker who was beaten up by the LA police officers

AmericanApril 2, 1965356 views

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender is an accomplished award winning German-born Irish actor

GermanApril 2, 1977359 views


Charlemagne was a medieval ruler, who once ruled many parts of Western Europe

GermanApril 2, 742333 views