Remote Work: The Future Forecast

The survey conducted by Tech Central and Storm Technology shows that 41%…

Bridging the Tech Skill Gap

The rise of digital transformation is causing a significant gap in the…

Social Sciences Impact Conference 2023: Turning Hope into Action

The Social Sciences Impact Conference 2023, held in Oxford, showcased over 550…

Yale and University of Athens Partner Up for Public Health and Environment

Pericles Lewis, the Dean of Yale College, discussed a range of topics…

NHIDCL & CSIR-SERC join forces: Revolutionizing Highway Engineering

The National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (NHIDCL) and the Structural…

Powerful Partnership against Deadly Pathogens

The Pandemic Sciences Institute (PSI) at the University of Oxford and the…

Boosting Pakistan’s Tech Competitiveness

The National Technology Council (NTC) of the Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC)…

Collaborating Science and Journalism for Wildlife Conservation

Charles and Penny Preston delivered a lecture on wildlife conservation, emphasizing the…

Innovative Collaboration: Western Australia and India

The McGowan Government aims to strengthen trade and collaboration with India, with…

Collaborative Learning for Urban Philadelphia

Lou Lozzi, the leader of the math and science team at Paul…

Revolutionizing Neuroscience Collaboration Online

The Human Brain Project aimed to simulate the entire human brain and…

Can the Shipping Industry Decarbonize?

The maritime industry is undergoing a significant transformation to become more sustainable…