Revive Free Speech: Attend Summer Seminars

In response to the current cancel culture, the Discovery Institute launched the Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design, which offers a safe space to discuss new ideas about biological origins without fear of being canceled. The Seminars are open to undergraduates, graduates, professionals, teachers, and professors. The deadline for this year’s applications is April 1, and the Seminars run from June 26 to July 2. The Seminars feature top instructors in the intelligent design research community, such as Stephen Meyer, Michael Denton, and Michael Behe, to name a few. The Discovery Institute offers free registration for the Seminars and transportation costs. The seminars are held in the beautiful Glen Eyrie Castle & Colorado Conference Center. This is an opportunity to learn from experts and explore fresh ideas about biological origins and their cultural consequences.

Discover The FREE Summer Seminars in Colorado as a Solution to Cancel Culture – Apply Before April 1

In today’s society, cancel culture has made it difficult to express one’s opinion without fear of consequences. The situation is particularly harsh in the media and academia. Intelligent design advocates have experienced this situation for a long time. As a response to the threat against free speech, the Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design was launched. Applications for this year’s Seminars are open until April 1.

Running from June 26 to July 2, the Summer Seminars are free, and the Discovery Institute can even help with transportation costs to the stunning Glen Eyrie Castle & Colorado Conference Center. The instructors of the Seminars are experts in the intelligent design research community. The students are mainly undergraduates and graduates, as well as a few professionals, teachers, and professors, and they form an intriguingly diverse group.

The atmosphere of the Summer Seminars is entirely different from the oppressive environment of most colleges and universities, as one of the previous year’s students said at the concluding banquet. They found the seminars to represent “science as it should be, rather than science as it is.” They were pleased to feel “safe” to explore new ideas about biological origins and the cultural outcomes of such ideas, without any fear of being canceled.

This year’s Seminars feature a group of accomplished instructors, including Stephen Meyer, Michael Denton, Michael Behe, Michael Egnor, Wesley J. Smith, Jay Richards, Guillermo Gonzalez, Robert Marks, John West, Casey Luskin, and Brian Miller. For more information and an easy online application, please visit the Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences and the C. S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society. However, it is crucial to note that the application deadline is coming up quickly, and it is April 1.

David Klinghoffer, the Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute and the editor of Evolution News & Science Today, is the author of six books and a former senior editor and literary editor at National Review magazine. He has contributed to the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Seattle Times, Commentary, and other publications. He earned an A.B. magna cum laude in comparative literature and religious studies from Brown University in 1987. David currently lives with his family near Seattle, Washington.

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