Investing in ICT Newcomers: A Smart Growth Strategy

Investing in promising newcomers who are motivated to break into the dynamic world of ICT can be a great way to secure the skills your organisation needs to grow. With the right training and support, newcomers can quickly become valuable contributors to your team, helping to boost customer retention and revenue. This approach can benefit other ICT organisations facing hiring challenges, but it requires a genuine investment in people and processes, providing support and mentorship for new hires in the early weeks and months. Companies must also offer compelling career paths that give employees a reason to stick around long term. In uncertain economic times, skilled personnel are more critical than ever, and investing in talent can be the lifeblood of every business.

The Benefits of Hiring Newcomers in the ICT Sector

As the global tech industry experiences a slowdown in demand, experienced ICT personnel have become increasingly difficult to recruit and retain. A recent study by HR technology vendor, HiBob, revealed that younger workers are particularly pessimistic about their job prospects, with one in five Australian ICT professionals aged 20 to 30 expecting to lose their jobs.

In the face of this challenging landscape, companies like Somerville have begun to cast a wider net and hire based on attitude and aptitude, rather than experience alone. Somerville’s initiative to expand its inside sales team in early 2022 was initially hampered by a lack of suitable candidates with industry experience. However, the company’s decision to invest in promising newcomers with customer service skills from other industries paid off in the long run.

By upskilling the new team, Somerville was able to quickly bring them up to speed with the company’s brand message, go-to-market strategy, and the offerings of its various business units. Despite their minimal experience in sales and no prior exposure to the ICT industry, these newcomers were able to adapt and thrive in their new roles.

Investing in promising newcomers who are motivated to break into the dynamic world of ICT can be a great way to secure the skills your organisation needs to grow. With the right training and support, newcomers can quickly become valuable contributors to your team, helping to boost customer retention and revenue. So if you’re struggling to find experienced ICT personnel, consider looking beyond the usual candidates and investing in promising newcomers instead.

Investing in Talent: How Training and Development Can Benefit Your Business

Finding skilled ICT personnel can be challenging in today’s competitive job market. However, organisations that are willing to invest in training and developing promising newcomers can reap significant rewards in the long term.

At Somerville, for instance, the company’s decision to hire based on attitude and aptitude rather than experience alone paid off in the long run. After investing time and resources into upskilling its new inside sales team, Somerville was able to quickly bring them up to speed with the company’s brand message, go-to-market strategy, and various business units. As a result, these newcomers quickly became capable, well-respected members of the team.

One year later, the team remains engaged, enthusiastic, hitting their KPIs, and looking ahead to the next chapter in their careers with the company. They have even discovered opportunities in cloud services, cybersecurity, and project management that they didn’t know existed before joining Somerville.

While this approach can benefit other ICT organisations facing hiring challenges, it requires a genuine investment in people and processes. It’s essential to support and mentor new hires in the early weeks and months, providing them with opportunities to be embedded in a team and work alongside experienced colleagues who will coach and encourage them.

Conversely, throwing new starters in at the deep end with only a modicum of knowledge can lead to poor morale, motivation, and high turnover rates. It’s also critical to provide compelling career paths that give employees a reason to stick around long term.

Investing in training and development can be an excellent investment in the long term. People learn best by doing, and organisations that offer supportive working environments and compelling career paths will attract and retain the best talent. In uncertain economic times, skilled personnel are more critical than ever, and investing in talent can be the lifeblood of every business.

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