Why French beauty Sophie Marceau rejected Mel Gibson 1

They met on the set of the film “Braveheart”, and both at that time were not free …

She likes to walk barefoot and believes that it somehow liberates her and as if it gives her the opportunity to float slightly above the ground. From her breathes incredible sensuality, in deep eyes lurks a flame that can burn to the bottom of the heart of any man.

Sophie Marceau and Mel Gibson, novel
by Sophie Marceau and Mel Gibson, novel

On November 17, this irresistible French woman turned 55 years old, and no one can throw a stone into her garden and say that age has erased her bright image. Not at all, she’s still good! Sophie does not tolerate questions regarding her personal life. And journalists are perplexed: with such beauty and charm – and not to tell about their novels, as many stars do, is simply sinful! Sophie Marceau never claimed to be a ruthless, fatal heartthrob. And all her relationships with men ended, unfortunately, in separations. She did not throw tantrums, did not fall into ostentatious despair, but each separation left a painful trace in the soul of the star Frenchwoman.

Sophie Marceau and Mel Gibson, novel
Sophie Marceau and Mel Gibson, novel

The famous Polish director Andrzej Żuławski, who was 26 years older than Sophie, first saw the young Frenchwoman, was captivated by her beauty. According to the master of cinema, Sophie’s magical green eyes, full of guile and fire, captivated him in and out. And Andrzej will do everything possible to win the heart of the lovely Marceau. It is he who will open the world of art to a talented and mind-stunningly beautiful actress. The daughter of a chauffeur will feel the taste of fame, luxury – and forever forget about a poor childhood in one of the Parisian quarters. The love story of Andrzej Żuławski and Sophie Marceau will be quite long. She will give birth to his son Vincent, play several roles in his films – and go to Hollywood.

Sophie Marceau and Mel Gibson, novel

Later, Sophie Marceau sadly admits that she made a fatal mistake. Fate will turn away from her, and she will never meet a man who loves her so devotedly, selflessly, and sacrificially as Andrzej Żuławski. Looking ahead, let’s say that neither the famous producer Jim Lemley (father of Juliette’s daughter), nor the “highlander” Christopher Lambert, nor the young attractive chef Cyril Lignac did not meet her expectations.

However, the story of a short affair with Mel Gibson stands alone. After all, with the trip of Sophie Marceau to Hollywood for the shooting of the film “Braveheart”, which was opposed by Andrzej Żuławski, who fervently convinced his wife that it would not end well, and a series of failures in Sophie’s personal life would begin.

Sophie Marceau, personal life, photo

Mel Gibson has always been a “lethal weapon” for beautiful women. His masculine charm, beating over the edge, cheerful devils in his eyes, and temperament worked flawlessly. Lovelace with a wealth of experience and this time expected that Sophie Marceau would fall into the nets placed by him. Despite the fact that Gibson was married and was the father of a large family, this did not prevent him from having affairs on the side.

Mel had already told reporters in advance that only Sophie could play the role of Princess Isabella in the film. He did not bring admiring eyes to Marceau on the set and gave her special attention. This is not to say that the ardent French woman did not reciprocate him. However, the relationship between them was fleeting and, to the displeasure of the Hollywood public, did not continue. Perhaps Sophie then suddenly thought that after all, Żuławski was right when he argued that it was easier to lose his former love than to find it in another person. In fact, in this delicate situation, Marceau felt out of place. And Mel Gibson remained true to his rule: having achieved the goal, he quickly cooled down and “revived” when a new beauty appeared on his background.

Mel Gibson. 2021, photo: Legion Media
Mel Gibson. 2021, photo: Legion Media
Sophie Marceau. 2021, photo: Andia/Legion Media
Sophie Marceau 2021

Someone said that this time the star actor and director fell in love seriously and for a long time. But Sophie left Hollywood and returned to Warsaw to soon finally part with Andrzej Żuławski. By the way, Andrzej was at first so happy about his wife’s return that he gave her a huge luxurious mansion with antique antiques. After the death of her ex-husband in February 2016, Sophie Marceau belatedly, with guilt, came to the conclusion: she lost happiness, which had no price. Probably, of all the men who met on the way of this Frenchwoman, Andrzej was the only and reliable. And although no woman, including Sophie, could resist Gibson’s charm, the star Australian was incapable of deep feelings. The latter, apparently, influenced Sophie, who hurried to part with him.

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