Rethinking Our Relationship with Technology 1

In today’s fast-paced world, we have access to technological advancements that can make our lives easier, but we need to be careful not to become too reliant on them. While technology has brought us many benefits, it has also led to a more disconnected society where we can feel isolated and vulnerable to the influence of evil. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize human connection and spiritual growth, such as through prayer. Prayer is a powerful way to communicate with God and find peace and perspective in our lives. We should make time for it, even if it’s just a few moments of reflection during our busy day. By staying connected to God and to each other, we can find purpose and meaning in our lives and avoid becoming trapped by the distractions of technology.

The Impact of Technology on Our Lives and Society

Rethinking Our Relationship with Technology 3

Technology has revolutionized our lives in countless ways, from the way we communicate to how we obtain and share information. However, as much as technology has benefited us, it has also presented certain challenges that we must address. As we rely more and more on technology, we need to be mindful of the potential consequences and drawbacks of our dependence on it.

The Evolution of Technology

Technology has come a long way since the Apollo missions, which successfully landed humans on the moon for the first time. Back then, phones were considered a luxury, and we had to be physically connected to the phone to use it. Today, with smartphones, we have access to technology that surpasses the computers used for those missions. We can even download apps that would have allowed us to fly those missions ourselves.

The Risks of Overreliance on Technology

While technological advancements have undoubtedly made our lives easier, we need to be cautious about becoming too reliant on technology. It’s easy to get lost in the endless stream of information and distractions that technology provides, but we need to be mindful of the risks that come with overreliance. For example, when it comes to our faith and spiritual lives, we should be careful not to let technology replace human interaction and personal growth.

The Importance of Human Connection

As valuable as technology is, there is no substitute for human connection. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to rely on technology to stay connected, but we should not forget the importance of in-person interactions. We need to be around people who challenge us and provide us with support and guidance. Older and wiser individuals can offer us invaluable counsel and advice that we cannot find in the digital realm.

The Bottom Line

The impact of technology on our lives and society is undeniable, but we must remember that it is a double-edged sword. As we continue to advance technologically, we need to remain vigilant about the potential risks and drawbacks. We must be careful not to let technology replace the human connections and experiences that are fundamental to our personal and spiritual growth.

The Importance of Prayer in Today’s Busy World

In the past, society was more connected through community events and gatherings, such as church services and county fairs. However, as life gets busier, we can become more isolated and disconnected. This can leave us vulnerable to the influences of evil, which can creep up on us gradually like a frog in boiling water.

The Power of Prayer

In the midst of all of our technological advancements, it’s important to remember the simple power of prayer. Prayer is a way to communicate with God and connect with Him on a personal level. By talking to Him, we can have meaningful conversations and gain perspective on our lives. We can be reminded that we are His children and that we have a purpose in this world.

Making Time for Prayer

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to make time for prayer. However, by prioritizing prayer in our daily routines, we can strengthen our relationship with God and find peace in our lives. Prayer doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. It can be as simple as a few quiet moments of reflection or a conversation with God on the go.


Technology has given us countless benefits, but we must not let it distract us from the importance of prayer and personal connection. In today’s busy world, it’s more important than ever to prioritize our spiritual lives and make time for prayer. By doing so, we can stay connected to God and find purpose and peace in our lives.

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