Chris Partridge Returning to Michigan: An In-Depth Look at the Coaching Addition 1


“Chris Partridge Returns to Michigan: Former Wolverines Star Ready to Make an Impact on College Football”

Maize & Blue Review can confirm reports that Chris Partridge will return to the Michigan coaching staff in 2023.

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Josh Henschke posted his report on Partridge’s upcoming signing on Saturday. Insider – HQH Plus: A new trainer, who’s out? | Page 2 | (

His employee role is currently unknown as other moves obviously need to take place first.

Partridge has spent the last three seasons at Ole Miss coaching safety and was the play calling defensive coordinator in 2022.

Before that, Partridge spent five seasons with Michigan. After a season as director of player personnel, he coached special teams, linebackers, and safety teams for two seasons each.

Partridge was a monster on the recruiting path for the Wolverines, who helped land Rashan Gary, Dax Hill, Chris Hinton, Cesar Ruiz and others.

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