Dr. Yaqub Karkar: Celebrating a Life of Remarkable Achievements

The obituary of Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar was published in the Wausau Daily Herald on March 25, 2023. Dr. Karkar was born in Jerusalem in 1926 and grew up in a prominent business family. He had an extraordinary academic career and was highly regarded for his knowledge of languages, history, and political insight. He was a master at balancing his time between running the Central Wisconsin School of Ballet and teaching at the University of Wisconsin Marathon County, where he received the distinction of Professor Emeritus. Dr. Karkar and his wife were instrumental in the development of the Wausau Arts Community, and their Central Wisconsin School of Ballet played a significant role in the cultural life of Wausau, Wisconsin. The obituary lists many of Dr. Karkar’s achievements, including his work to bring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to speak at UWMC in May of 1967, and the formation of the Arab Student Association. Dr. Karkar’s legacy is one of remarkable accomplishments and extraordinary character.

Obituary of Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar

Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar was born on January 21,1926, in Jerusalem, Palestine to Nassif and Evelyn Karkar. He was the second of nine children. Jack…

Obituary of Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar


Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar was a man of remarkable accomplishments and extraordinary character. Born on January 21,1926, in Jerusalem, Palestine, Jack was the second of nine children of Nassif and Evelyn Karkar. He grew up in the Katamon Quarter, below the tomb of King David, in a very prominent business family. From an early age, Jack loved helping his father at their Flour Mill, Orange Groves, and Wholesale Businesses.

Education and Early Career

Being from a Christian family, Jack attended College Des Freres, a French Jesuit School in the Old City of Jerusalem, where he developed a love of learning that would stay with him a lifetime. In 1945-46, he attended the American University of Beirut to study Economics and Political Science. With war imminent, Jack was sent away to study at Cal Berkeley in 1947, where he graduated with a BA in Economics and minor in Political Science in 1949 and received his MA in 1950.

In early December the following year, Jack was drafted by the U.S. Army, where he was highly regarded for his knowledge of language, European and Middle Eastern history, and political insight. Upon his honorable discharge from the army, he was offered work as an assistant to President Eisenhower. Jack’s desire to share his knowledge inspired him to study for a Teaching Certificate, which led him to a position at the American University in Beirut.

Doctorate Degree and Career in Academia

After finishing his commitment at AUB, he decided to pursue his Doctorate Degree at the University of Indiana, Bloomington, receiving a Ford Fellowship to complete his Ph.D. in Economics in August of 1963. His first teaching position was at the University of Minnesota from ’63-’66, and he later landed at UW Marathon County in Wausau, Wisconsin, where he taught for over 26 years.

Jack took great pride in introducing Soccer to the UW systems and the greater WI community, sharing his lifelong love and skill in the sport. One of his proudest moments was when his UWMC team won the championship in 1972. His many achievements at UWMC included serving as the President of the Wisconsin Economics Association, speaking at conferences, and publishing numerous articles for journals and newspapers.

Contribution to Arts and Culture

In 1969, Jack met and married the love of his life, Waltraud. Together they created the Central Wisconsin School of Ballet and Central Wisconsin Ballet Foundation (Wausau Dance Theatre). Their fledgling business first took place at their home, then moved into a new state-of-the-art studio. Jack and Waltraud were instrumental in the development of the Wausau Arts Community as we know it today. He and Waltraud brought in Milwaukee Ballet, Joffrey II, and Harkness to perform at the Grand Theater, a Herculean effort at the time.

Countless accolades have been given over the last 50+ years of CWSB, including articles and mention in many publications, notably Newsweek, Dance Magazine, Dance Teacher Now, to name a few. Jack couldn’t have been more pleased and truly loved being at the studio and theater. He loved all the students and visiting instructors — many of whom have become like family. Jack loved selling tickets to performances and relishing in the beauty of the productions. All performances and performers were met with his absolute approval and delight.

Personal Life and Legacy

Jack Karkar was a man of incredible intellect, with a mastery of five languages. He adored his family and never missed any opportunity to visit and celebrate all occasions with his

Announcement: Obituary of Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar

The obituary of Dr. Yaqub “Jack” Nassif Karkar was published in the Wausau Daily Herald on March 25, 2023. It details the life and achievements of Dr. Karkar, from his birth in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1926, to his extraordinary career as an academic and his contribution to the arts and culture in Wausau, Wisconsin. Dr. Karkar passed away leaving behind a legacy of remarkable accomplishments and extraordinary character.

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