Australian Soldier Controls Robot Dog with Mind

The Australian Army has unveiled a new invention: a mind-controlled robot dog developed by scientists at the University of Technology Sydney. The robotic dog can be controlled telepathically using a modified HoloLens 2 device, allowing soldiers to have another weapon at their disposal in combat. To control the dog, the user imagines a panel formed by flashing white squares and focuses on a specific space, which sends signals to an AI decoder that relays them to the robot. The technology is currently being used for simulated patrol, and mastering the process is intuitive and takes only a few sessions. This development could pave the way for entire armies of robots driven by humans in this way, revolutionizing the way militaries operate.

Australian Soldier Uses Mind-Controlled Robot Dog on Simulated Patrol

Brain Robotics Interface

The Australian Army is continuing to push the boundaries of technology in the name of protecting the homeland. The latest invention to emerge is a mind-controlled robot dog developed by scientists at the University of Technology Sydney.

In a recent video released by the Australian Armed Forces, a soldier is seen using a modified HoloLens 2 device to telepathically control the robot dog while on simulated patrol. The operator imagines a panel formed by flashing white squares and, when they focus on a specific space, a biosensor in the headset reads the signals from their visual cortex and sends them to an AI decoder. The signals are then relayed to the robot, allowing it to understand the command.

The Army is currently defining its creation as “the use of brain signals to control automated and autonomous systems,” and the technology is already being perfected. The development of this robotic dog raises the possibility of entire armies of robots that are driven by humans in this way.

According to Sergeant Damien Robinson of the 5th Combat Service Support Battalion, mastering the process is intuitive and takes only a few sessions. He explains that soldiers do not need to think about anything specific to get the robot to work, but rather focus on blinking at the white squares.

The potential implications of this technology are immense, as soldiers could have another weapon at their disposal in combat, in addition to their conventional weapons.

The video has caused quite a stir online, with many people marveling at the capabilities of this futuristic invention. While the robot dog is currently being used for simulated patrol, it is possible that in the future, we will see these machines being deployed in real-life military situations.

This is just the latest example of how technology is revolutionizing the way armies operate, and the possibilities are endless. With the invention of mind-controlled robots, we could be witnessing the beginning of a new era in military warfare.

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