Salvator Rosa

@Artists & Painters, Career and Childhood

Salvator Rosa was an Italian Baroque painter known for his unorthodox and extravagant style

Jun 20, 1615

ItalianArtists & PaintersArtistsBaroque PaintersMiscellaneousGemini Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: June 20, 1615
  • Died on: March 15, 1673
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Famous: Artists & Painters, Artists, Baroque Painters, Miscellaneous
  • Birth Place: Arenella
  • Gender: Male
  • Sun Sign: Gemini

Salvator Rosa born at


Birth Place

While in Florence he met a woman named Lucrezia with who he became involved in a long term relationship. The couple had two children. On his deathbed, Salvator Rosa married her on March 4, 1673.

Personal Life

He died on March 15, 1673 after suffering from dropsy for a while. By the time of his death he had amassed a small fortune.

Personal Life

Salvator Rosa was born in Arenella, in the outskirts of Naples, in 1615. His mother, Giulia Greca Rosa, was a member of one of the Greek families of Sicily and his father, Vito Antonio de Rosa, was a land surveyor. He had several siblings.

Childhood & Early Life

He developed an interest in arts at a young age. However, his father wanted him to pursue a more respectable profession and pressurized him to become a lawyer or a priest. He even had the boy admitted into the convent of the Somaschi Fathers.

Childhood & Early Life

Salvator was very independent minded and secretly started working with his maternal uncle Paolo Greco to learn about painting. His brother-in-law Francesco Fracanzano was also a painter and Salvator took lessons from him too. Then he started apprenticing with Aniello Falcone.

Childhood & Early Life

His father died when Salvator was 17, plunging the family into financial crisis. The next few years were a struggle for him yet he remained devoted to his passion for the arts.

Childhood & Early Life

During his apprenticeship with Falcone, Salvator Rosa helped Falcone complete his battlepiece canvases. There his work got noticed by Lanfranco who advised the young artist to move to Rome. Rosa stayed in Rome from 1634-36.

Later Years

Then he returned to Naples and started painting the wild and haunting landscapes that would eventually earn him much acclaim. His landscapes were characterized by an uncanny melancholy; they were overgrown with vegetation or marked by jagged beaches and mountains.

Later Years

Once again he went to Rome in 1638-39. There he painted his first and one of his few altarpieces, the ‘Incredulity of Thomas’ for the Chiesa Santa Maria della Morte in Viterbo.

Later Years

He was a versatile personality, with interests in a variety of artistic fields. Along with being a painter, he also pursued music, poetry, writing, etching, and acting. He wrote and acted in a masque during a Roman carnival play, and soon gained much popularity. But he also earned some enemies due to his bitter criticism of others’ techniques.

Later Years

He relocated to Florence in 1639. He spent several years there during which he sponsored many poets, playwrights, and painters. He also made many influential friends during this time and gathered a few true pupils. He painted prolifically and also wrote four satires: Music, Poetry, Painting, and War.

Later Years

Salvator Rosa is best known for his unusual landscapes that had a dark and melancholy feel to them. He painted overgrown vegetation, ragged mountains, moss-laden trees, and picturesquely wild scenes of nature that radically departed from the serene sceneries painted by other famous artists of his era. His landscapes had a significant impact on the 19th century school of English landscape painting.

Major Works