Polykarp Kusch

@Scientists, Timeline and Life

Polykarp Kusch was a German-American physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1955

Jan 26, 1911

AmericanGermanUniversity Of IllinoisScientistsPhysicistsAquarius Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: January 26, 1911
  • Died on: March 20, 1993
  • Nationality: German, American
  • Famous: University Of Illinois, Scientists, Physicists
  • Spouses: Betty Pezzoni, Edith Starr McRoberts
  • Universities:
    • University Of Illinois
    • University of Illinois
    • Case Western Reserve University
  • Notable Alumnis:
    • University Of Illinois

Polykarp Kusch born at

Blankenburg, District of Blankenburg, Duchy of Brunswick, German Empire

Birth Place

He married Edith Starr McRoberts on August 12, 1935 and had three daughters from the marriage.

Personal Life

After the death of Edith in 1959, he married Betty Pezzoni in 1960 and had two daughters with her.

Personal Life

Polykarp Kusch died in Dallas, Texas, USA on March 20, 1993 after having a succession of strokes over a period.

Personal Life

Polykarp Kusch was born in Blankenburg, Germany on January 26, 1911. His father was a Lutheran clergyman named John Mathias Kusch and his mother was Henrietta Van Der Haas who wrote juvenile novels and was moderately successful at it.

Childhood & Early Life

His family immigrated to America when he was only one year old. He received his US citizenship in 1922.

Childhood & Early Life

He graduated from the ‘East Technical High School’ in Cleveland, Ohio in 1926.

Childhood & Early Life

He worked at the Cleveland Public Library to earn his tuition fees to study at the ‘Case’s School of Applied Science’.

Childhood & Early Life

He found physics to be more interesting than chemistry and did his BS in Physics from the ‘Case Institute of Technology’ in Cleveland, currently known as the ‘Case Western Reserve University’, and received his bachelor’s degree in 1931.

Childhood & Early Life

Polykarp Kusch joined the ‘Columbia University’ in 1937 and taught physics at the university up to 1941.


With the outbreak of the Second World War he joined the ‘Radiation Laboratory’ of the ‘National Defense Research Committee’ and worked on high–frequency oscillators for use in radars.


Kusch joined the ‘War Research’ group at the ‘Columbia University’ in 1942 and carried out various experiments till 1944. During the Second World War he worked at the Bell Laboratories of Westinghouse Electric as a research Engineer from 1944 to 1946 and carried out research work on vacuum microwave generators and vacuum tubes.


He taught physics at the ‘Columbia University’ from 1946 to 1949.


In 1947 he demonstrated that magnetic properties of an electron were not the same as given in the existing theories.


The book ‘Magnetic Moment of the Electron’ written by Polykarp Kusch was published in 1956.

Major Works

His paper ‘Style and styles in Research’ was published in 1966.

Major Works