Odd Hassel

@Norwegian Men, Facts and Childhood

Odd Hassel was a Norwegian chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1969

May 17, 1897

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Personal Details

  • Birthday: May 17, 1897
  • Died on: May 11, 1981
  • Nationality: Norwegian
  • Famous: Norwegian Men, Scientists, Chemists
  • Siblings: Ella, Ernst, Fredrik, Lars
  • Universities:
    • University of Oslo
  • Birth Place: Kristiania, Norway

Odd Hassel born at

Kristiania, Norway

Birth Place

He remained unmarried throughout his life.

Personal Life

He suffered from albinism since birth.

Personal Life

Odd Hassel died in Oslo, Norway on May 11, 1981.

Personal Life

Odd Hassel was born in Kristiania which is now Oslo, Norway, on May 17, 1897. His father was a gynecologist named Ernst August Hassel and his mother was Mathilde Christine Klaveness.

Childhood & Early Life

He had a twin brother named Lars, another two brothers named Ernst and Fredrik and a sister named Ella.

Childhood & Early Life

His father died when he was only eight. He continued to live with his mother till the age of thirty-five.

Childhood & Early Life

He completed his matriculation from the ‘Vestheim School’ in 1915 along with his twin brother.

Childhood & Early Life

After matriculation he enrolled at the ‘University of Oslo’ in 1915 to study mathematics and physics with chemistry as the main subject.

Childhood & Early Life

Odd Hassel joined the chemistry faculty at the ‘University of Oslo’ in 1925 as a ‘universitetsstipendiat’ and became a ‘dosent’ in 1926. He became a Professor and the Chairman of the Physical Chemistry department at the university in 1934 and held the post up to 1964.


He started an intensive research on the structure of ‘cyclohexane’ and its derivatives from 1930 and discovered that a molecule of ‘cyclohexane’ crystal existed in two forms which were boat-shaped and in the chair form. He showed that it contained rings with six members and the two bonds of the carbon atom were differently oriented in space.


At this time he set down the fundamental facts about ‘Conformational Analysis’ and also wrote a book titled ‘Kristallchemie’ on his discovery.


By 1943 he had introduced two additional methods which had not been used in Norway previously to supplement the experimental methods already available.


He had gathered enough material but yet had to draw the final conclusions about possible’ conformations’ and published an article on his findings written in a Norwegian journal named ‘Journal of Chemistry: rock being and metallurgy’.


Odd Hassel authored the book ‘Krtistallchemie’ or ‘Crystal Chemistry’ which was written in German and published in 1934.

Major Works