Muhammad al-Idrisi

@Traveler, Birthday and Family

Muhammad al-Idrisi was a Muslim cartographer, geographer, traveler and Egyptologist


MoroccanIntellectuals & AcademicsGeographers

Personal Details

  • Birthday: 1100
  • Died on: January 1, 11651100
  • Nationality: Moroccan
  • Famous: Cartographer, Moroccan Men, Traveler, Intellectuals & Academics, Geographers
  • Known as: Abu Abd Allah Muhammad al-Idrisi al-Qurtubi al-Hasani al-Sabt, Al Idrisi
  • Birth Place: Ceuta, (present-day Spain)
  • Gender: Male

Muhammad al-Idrisi born at

Ceuta, (present-day Spain)

Birth Place

Muhammad al-Idrisi died in Ceuta, Morocco, in the year 1166 AD. Not much is known about his later life.

Personal Life

Muhammad al-Idrisi was born in the Andalusian city of Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in Morocco, in 1100 AD where his grandfather had settled after fleeing from Malaga in the year 1057 AD.

Childhood & Early Life

Al-Idrisi was the descendant of Idrisid, the ruler of Morocco, who was a direct descendant of Hazrat Hasa, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad.

Childhood & Early Life

He studied for a number of years in at the University of Cordoba, Spain, also known as Al-Andalus, which was famous for its Spanish Muslim scholars. He spent much of his early life in travelling through Spain and North Africa to acquire geographical knowledge about the regions.

Childhood & Early Life

He travelled to Anatolia or Asia Minor when he was barely sixteen-year-old.

Childhood & Early Life

He covered the Muslim regions in many parts of Europe in his travels which included the Pyrenees, the French coast on the Atlantic, Portugal, Hungary and York in England.

Childhood & Early Life

Muhammad aI-Idrisi taught geography at Constanine, Algeria at one point of time.


He had to move to Palermo, Sicily, as the environment in Andalusia was unstable and conflict-ridden. There he joined Abu al-Salt and other contemporary people. He was welcomed by the Normans who had overthrown the Arabs loyal to the ‘Fatimids’ and allowed some of the Muslims to stay on in exchange of the knowledge they provided.


Al-Idrisi used the information gathered by explorers and Islamic merchants, Islamic maps, Norman voyagers and his own knowledge while traveling in Africa, the Far east and the regions of the Indian Ocean to create the most accurate maps to be found during the time before the modern age.


He stayed at the court of the Norman king Roger II of Sicily for eighteen years and in 1154 AD created a map of the Eurasian region containing a part of North Africa, western Asia and Southern Europe for the King. The map was created on a pure silver disk almost 80 inches in diameter weighing almost 300 pounds and had legends written in Arabic. The book accompanying the map is known as the ‘Book of Roger’.


He corrected the wrong interpretation of the Indian Ocean enclosed by land on all sides and the wrong concept that the Caspian Sea was a part of the larger ocean. He also determined the course of the rivers Danube and Niger in his maps. In his opinion the Southern hemisphere was so hot that it was inhabitable.


An abridged version of ‘Kitab Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi dhikr al-amsar wa-al-aqtar wa-al-budan wa-al-juzurwa-al-mada in wa-al-afaq’ was translated into Latin and published in Rome in 1592 AD, translated into French and published in Paris in 1619 AD. The complete Arabic text of the book was translated into French by Pierre Amedee Jaubert in the middle of the nineteenth century. A critical edition of the full Arabic text was published in 1970.

Major Works

His book ‘Rawd-Unnas wa-Nuzhat al-Nafs’ was a detailed account of the Niger, Sudan and Egypt especially the river Nile.

Major Works

The book ‘Kitab al-Jami-li-Sifat Ashtat al-Nabatat’ is based on medical plants. He also wrote books on fauna and on zoology and was an accomplished poet.

Major Works