
@Stage Manager, Birthday and Childhood

Molière is an illustrious 17th century French dramatist, actor and playwright

Jan 15, 1622

TuberculosisParisFrenchActorsWritersPlaywrightsCapricorn Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: January 15, 1622
  • Died on: February 17, 1673
  • Nationality: French
  • Famous: Stage Manager, Actors, Writers, Playwrights
  • City/State: Paris
  • Spouses: Armande Béjart
  • Known as: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

Moliere born at


Birth Place

He married Armande Bejart on February 20, 1662. They had a son two years later, but he died just before his first birthday. He had another son, but the latter also passed away a few days after his baptism. The third child that was born to the couple was a daughter, but since she had no children of her own later on, Moliere did not have any direct descendants.

Personal Life

He suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, which also took his life in the end. While he was performing in his last play on stage, he coughed violently and hemorrhaged, collapsing on stage. He suffered from another hemorrhage and passed away at home a few hours later on February 17, 1673.

Personal Life

He did not receive any last rites because two priests refused to conduct the last rites and the third priest arrived too late. Thus, his wife took the permission from the king to grant him a ‘normal’ funeral and the king agreed. He is thus, interred in a cemetery that is reserved for unbaptized infants.

Personal Life

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin was born on January 15, 1622 to Jean Poquelin and Marie Cresse in Paris, France. His father was a tapestry maker and his mother was the daughter of a wealthy bourgeois family.

Childhood & Early Life

His childhood was a relatively comfortable one. However, it was dotted with sadness. Young Poquelin was extremely close to his mother, whom he lost at the age of 10. After the death of his mother, he lived with his father in a posh locality in Paris.

Childhood & Early Life

It is believed that his first education was at a well-to-do Parisian elementary school, after which he studied at the renowned Jesuit College de Clermont.

Childhood & Early Life

He then started a brief career as a lawyer and pursued his father’s work under Louis XIII, until the king’s death in 1643. He then co-founded the L’Illustre Theater with just 630 livres, for which he chose the nom-de-plum, ‘Moliere’.

Childhood & Early Life

In 1645, the new theater troupe he formed went bankrupt. He was the head of the troupe because he already had formal training in theater. However, due to all the bad debts that the theater troupe had accrued, he spent 24 hours in prison.


In 1653, his troupe went on to become the official theatre troupe of the Prince de Conti. The next year, he presented his first play, ‘L’Etourdi, ou le Contretemps’, in Lyon.


In 1656, he presented, ‘Le Depitamoureux, in Beziers. However, the very same year, the troupe lost its donations from Conti, who was becoming extremely disapproving of theater productions.


King Louis XIV offered Moliere to perform at the Petit-Bourbon, where his first 2 plays went on to have great run. In 1659, he presented his third play, ‘Les Precieuses Ridicules’. He also presented ‘Sganarelleou le Cocuimaginaire’, after which the troupe shifted to the Palais-Royal.


In 1661, he showcased ‘L’Ecole des maris’ and the subsequent year, he presented L’Ecole des femmes’. The year 1662 also proved to be an extremely exciting one for Moliere. It was the same year when he and his troupe were accepted at the King’s court.


‘Le Misanthrope’ is a popular 17th century play written by Moliere. It is considered one of his greatest works because it was a bold parody on the French aristocratic society, pointing out all its flaws, while ingeniously combining its blemishes with subtle humor. This is also considered a lot different from his other plays, because it focused more on character progress than on plot. Though not a commercial hit when it first premiered in 1666, the play survives in the archives as one of his best-remembered works today.

Major Works