Leif Erikson

@First European to Reach North America, Birthday and Family

Leif Erikson was an Icelandic explorer who became the first European to reach North America


IcelanderInventors & DiscoverersExplorers

Personal Details

  • Birthday: 970
  • Died on: January 1, 1020970
  • Nationality: Icelander
  • Famous: First European to Reach North America, Inventors & Discoverers, Explorers
  • Siblings: Freydís Eiríksdóttir, Thorstein Eiriksson, Thorvald Eiriksson
  • Childrens: Thorgils Leif, Thorkell Leif
  • Birth Place: Iceland

Leif Erikson born at


Birth Place

It is believed that while on his journey from Greenland to Norway, Erikson was blown off course to Hebrides, where he eventually ended up staying for much of the summer. It was during his stay therein that he fell in love with a noblewoman Thorgunna. They were blessed with a son, Thorgils. Thorkell is his other son, but not from Thorgunna.

Personal Life

Though nothing concrete is known of Erikson’s death, he is believed to have died between 1019 and 1025. Following his death, his son Thorkell took over his chieftaincy.

Personal Life

In 1960s, a research was carried out by the Norwegian couple, Helge Ingstad an explorer and his wife Anne Stine Ingstad an archaeologist. They claimed that the Norse settlement was in most probability located at the northern tip of Newfoundland. The site is known as L'Anse aux Meadows. It has been labelled the oldest European settlement in North America, and more than 2,000 Viking objects have been recovered from it.

Personal Life

Leif Erikson was born in 970 AD to Erik the Red and his wife Thjodhild in Iceland. He had three siblings, brothers Thorsteinn and Thorvaldr, and a sister, Freydis.

Childhood & Early Life

His father was banished from Iceland which led him to travel westwards. It was during this travel that senior Erik discovered an area that he named Greenland. In 986 AD, he established the first permanent settlement in Greenland.

Childhood & Early Life

It is believed that Leif Erikson along with his crew sailed from Greenland to Norway in 999 AD. Under the guidance of Norwegian King, Olaf Tryggvason, he converted to Christianity. Following his conversion, he was commissioned by the king to introduce the religion of Christianity to other natives of Greenland.

Later Life

His journey back homewards is highly speculative. According to some sources, Erikson was blown off course while travelling back to Greenland. He discovered a dry land finally on the North America continent and named it Vinland due to its general fertility and the abundance of grapes growing there. The region is now known as Nova Scotia.

Later Life

According to the Groenlendinga saga, Erikson probably had heard about Vinland from an Icelandic trader, Bjarni Herjólfsson who claimed to have sighted land to the west of Greenland after having been blown off course fourteen years before. However, Herjólfsson did not set his foot on the land.

Later Life

It is said that Erikson purposely went on an expedition to the land in the west as described by the Icelandic trader. His father was due to join the crew of thirty-five men who had planned to set sail but dropped out after falling down from a horse. Considering the fall as a bad omen, Erikson reversed his route to avoid any mishap.

Later Life

It is believed that Erikson first landed in a rocky and desolate place he named Helluland. Going further, he landed at a forested area which he named Markland. Two more days of sail took the crew to a place that seemed luscious and fertile. With winters approaching, the crew encamped therein and explored the region. During these explorations, Tyrker discovered a region full of vines and grapes which Erikson finally named Vinland.

Later Life

Erikson’s major contribution has been as the first European discoverer of North America. He not just became the first Norse explorer to reach the North American shores but also established the first Norse settlement in Vinland (today’s Nova Scotia). The site referred to as L'Anse aux Meadows, is at the northern tip of Newfoundland in modern-day Canada.

Major Discoveries