
@Gamer, Family and Childhood

All about the Australian YouTube star, Lachlan Ross Power; his age, birthday, net worth, girl friends, and some fun facts.

Aug 25, 1995

AustralianSocial Media StarsYouTubersGamersVirgo Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: August 25, 1995
  • Nationality: Australian
  • Famous: Gamer, Youtubers, Social Media Stars, YouTubers, Gamers
  • Nick names: Lachlan Ross Power
  • Siblings: Jackie, Mitchell
  • Birth Place: Australia
  • Height: 178cm

Lachlan born at


Birth Place

Like any other regular school boy, Lachlan too was once immersed in assignments and tests. After completing high school, he took keen interest in YouTube videos, and found himself watching and subscribing to game play videos. While playing Minecraft one summer, it suddenlydawned on him to create his own account. So he began his channel and uploaded his video of Minecraft. He received an excellent feedback and began uploading gaming videos regularly. It was in 2013 that he started the PokeballersPixelmon Server, which is also a platform for players to show their creativity. In 2014, he joined another server called ‘How to Minecraft’ with a couple of his other YouTube gamer friends. The following year he also teamed up with TinyTurtle, Little Lizard, OMGItsAliA and a few others to create ‘PixeltownPixelmon Sever.’He has over 2300 videos on his main channel.

The Meteoric Rise to Stardom

Girls are crazy about himfor his drop-dead gorgeous looks. He is chiseled and handsome! He is tall and suave; he has great dressing sense and has a charm about him. Many teenagers admire him, and take inspiration from him. He is also very down to earth, and is thankful to his subscribers and fans for shaping his life. He is very hard-working. He is usually busy on tours, making videos for his channel, or else collaborating with his gaming team. He is also very close to his family, especially his siblings and is found most of the time hanging out or recording videos with them.

What Makes Lachlan So Special

Obviously, it isn’t difficult to deduce that he loves playing video games, and is even happier that he can make a living out of it! Lachlan doesn’t watch too much of television, as he hardly gets time, however his favorite show is ‘Breaking Bad.’ Lachlan’s favorite current game is ‘Pokémon Go.’ He is athletic and loves playing sports, especially football. During his school days he used to play plenty of football. He loves trying out various cuisines, but most of all relishes meat pies. He also takes keen interest in latest technology and devices, even more when it comes to gaming.

Beyond Fame