Erwin Neher

@Biophysicists, Family and Life

Erwin Neher is a German biophysicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1991 for Physiology or Medicine for his significant work in cell physiology.

Mar 20, 1944

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Personal Details

  • Birthday: March 20, 1944
  • Nationality: German
  • Famous: Scientists, Biophysicists
  • Spouses: Eva-Maria
  • Childrens: Benjamin, Carola, Margret, Richard, Sigmund
  • Universities:
    • Technical University of Munich University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Birth Place: Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria, Germany

Erwin Neher born at

Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria, Germany

Birth Place

Erwin met Eva-Maria, his fellow scientist while working at Yale University. Eventually both of them got married in 1978. The couple has five children – Richard, Benjamin, Carola, Sigmund and Margret.

Personal Life

Erwin was born on 20th March 1944 in a small town Landsberg in Bavaria. He grew up in another town Buchloe, near Munich.

Childhood & Early Life

His father, Franz Xaver Neher, was an administrator in a dairy company whereas his mother Elisabeth was a teacher but chose to be a homemaker after marriage.

Childhood & Early Life

At the age of 10, he entered 'Maristenkolleg' at a nearby town Mindelheim. During the school he got interested in physics and mathematics.

Childhood & Early Life

He learned about cybernetics and studied the ‘Hodgkin – Huxley theory’ of nerve excitation while he was in school. Hence, by the time he entered the university, Erwin was very clear that he would become a ‘biophysicist’.

Childhood & Early Life

He entered 'Technische Hochschule' in Munich to study physics. His education in this institute laid the foundation of his future research work.

Childhood & Early Life

He joined ‘Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie’ and started working on his PhD project on ‘voltage-clamping snail neurons’ under the guidance of H. D. Lux. This is where Erwin first met Bert Sakmann.


Both of them shared the same interest and decided to collaborate to measure single ion channel currents, which involved developing and refining the patch-clamp technique. Till that time they were using a pipette one-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter, fitted with an electrode to detect the flow of ions through a single channel in the cell membranes.


After his PhD, Erwin moved to the ‘University of Washington’ in Seattle and, later to ‘Yale University’ for his post doctoral research work in 1976.


Though Bert and Erwin were not in the same city, they continued to work together, communicate and publish their single channel records and the patch-clamp technique.


Erwin returned to the ‘Max Planck Institute’ in the same year. There, Erwin and Bert were invited to run ‘Young Investigator Laboratories’, attracting postdoctoral fellows and perfecting and expanding their technique.


Cells are foundation blocks of human life. Each living cell is surrounded by a membrane which separates the world within the cell from its exterior. In this membrane there are channels, through which the cell communicates with its surroundings. These channels consist of single molecules or complexes of molecules and have the ability to allow passage of ions. The regulation of ion channels influences the life of the cell and its functions under normal and pathological conditions.

Major Works

Erwin along with Bert Sakmann developed a technique that allows the registration of the incredibly small electrical currents (amounting to a picoampere - 10-12A) that pass through a single ion channel. The technique is unique which records how a single channel molecule alters its shape and in that way controls the flow of current within a time frame of a few millionths of a second. They also showed how the channel regulates the passage of positively or negatively charged ions. It established how the ion channels function. They demonstrated what happens during the opening or closure of an ion channel with a diameter corresponding to that of a single sodium or chloride ion. Several ion channels are regulated by a receptor localized to one part of the channel molecule which upon activation alters its shape. Erwin-Bert established which parts of the molecule that constitutes the ‘sensor’ and the interior wall of the channel.

Major Works

This new analytical tool developed by Erwin-Bert has revolutionized modern biology and has contributed to the understanding of the cellular mechanisms underlying several diseases, including diabetes and cystic fibrosis.

Major Works