Erin Siena Jobs

@Steve Jobs' Daughter, Timeline and Family

Erin Siena Jobs is one of the four children of Steve Jobs

Aug 19, 1995

CaliforniaAmericanMiscellaneousFamily MembersLeo Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: August 19, 1995
  • Nationality: American
  • Famous: Steve Jobs' Daughter, Miscellaneous, Family Members
  • City/State: California
  • Siblings: Eve Jobs
  • Birth Place: California
  • Gender: Female

Erin Siena Jobs born at


Birth Place

She was born amidst all the luxury as by that time Steve Jobs had already co-founded ‘Apple Inc.’ along with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, and then left the company to form his own American computer and software company ‘NeXT.’ In February 1997, when Erin was a mere toddler ‘NeXT’ was merged with ‘Apple Inc’ and eventually Jobs became the Chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. As children of this extremely successful business magnet, inventor and industrial designer, Erin along with her other siblings, garnered a lot attention.

As Steve Jobs' Daughter

Erin was born on August 19, 1995, in California, US, to Steve Jobs and his wife Laurene Powell as their first daughter and the second child together. Her mother, Laurene, is an American businesswoman, executive and the founder of ‘Emerson Collective’ and co-founder and president of the ‘Board of College Track’ that readies unprivileged high school students for college. Erin’s elder brother, Reed, was born in September 1991, while her younger sister, Eve, was born in May 1998.

Behind The Curtains

Her father got into a controversy when he denied paternity of Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Lisa was born to Chrisann Brennan with whom Steve Jobs had an on-off relationship for several years. Jobs denied paternity of Lisa for several years leading to a legal case. This controversy led to a DNA paternity test, which established him as Lisa's father. Jobs later reconciled and acknowledged Lisa as his daughter. As per Lisa’s wish, he legally changed her birth certificate, altering her name to Lisa Brennan-Jobs from Lisa Brennan.

Behind The Curtains

Erin lost her father on October 5, 2011, due to respiratory failure which was medically related to relapse of a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, diagnosed and treated way back in 2003. Following Jobs death, Erin’s mother inherited the ‘Steven P. Jobs Trust.’ Forbes 2016 list ranked Erin’s family at 44th position among the billionaires across the globe. It also mentioned Erin’s mother, Laurene, as the wealthiest woman in the technology industry. However, with all the riches and opulence at their disposal, the Jobs children including Erin lead a modest life.

Behind The Curtains

Erin is a very quiet person, some sort of an introvert, and prefers to maintain a private life. She had an emotionally distant relationship with her father, who also led a private life. She had no inkling of how to get close to the genius. Nevertheless, she picked up her father’s skills in architecture and design.

Behind The Curtains