Emily Jensen is an American YouTube star
@Youtube Star, Family and Life
Emily Jensen is an American YouTube star
Emily Jensen born at
Emily Jensen was born on December 8, 2002 in North Carolina, USA. She has an older brother named Jacob. As a child, she was interested in drawing, acting and singing.
Emily Jensen joined YouTube on December 15, 2013. Every week she uploaded different types of videos including vlogs, hauls, stories, beauty and comedy videos. She responded to all the hate comments she gets online in a video, which went viral. She also shared with her fans her cancer survival story in the video 'I Had Cancer Story Time', which also received a huge number of views. Another of her videos which became very popular is one in which she could be seen piercing her own ear. She has 495k subscribers on her YouTube channel and also has a loyal fan base extending into other social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
While Emily Jensen has been outspoken about her cancer, she often receives a lot of comments from confused people regarding her strange facial structure. Some people even went on to comment that she fell off her bike, while others keep worrying if she has a disease, an infection, or if she is dying of cancer. She posted the video 'What Happened to My Face' to clarify all such questions. When she was little baby, she had a small mark on her right cheek, which turned out to be rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of cancer that can affect bones, soft tissues and connective tissues. The cancer was pretty deep into her face, severely affecting the tissues and muscles in her cheek. As a result, during the treatment, the doctors had to remove a lot of the tissues and muscles from her right cheek, which had left a deep scar. As a baby, the scar was not very prominent as it did not deform her face yet. However, as she grew, the scar seemed to pull on different parts of her face, affecting normal growth in those places. She was diagnosed with cancer again when she was 2-3 years old, but she was finally cleared by doctors when she was four.
Asked if she feels insecure about her appearance, Emily Jensen admitted that while she does feel insecure about certain things ¬– more so now that she is in school and thinks about relationships – she doesn’t let that affect her on a day-to-day basis. Throughout her life she has coped with her deformity by reminding herself that nobody is normal, but she realizes that she can and does stand out in a crowd. She actually doesn’t bother trying to fit in and often accentuates her uniqueness by wearing strong makeup and dyeing her hair with odd colors. She also hates it when people refer to her as disabled, as she can do everything that a regular teenager would do. She also goes to school regularly and finds shopping malls to be the most difficult places to visit. Fortunately for her, she didn't get bullied much for her looks.