Claire Hosterman

@Dove Cameron's Sister, Life Achievements and Childhood

Claire Hosterman is an upcoming singer and voice trainer

Mar 10, 1989

WashingtonAmericanInstagram StarsInstagram SingersSocial Media StarsPisces Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: March 10, 1989
  • Nationality: American
  • Famous: Dove Cameron's Sister, Instagram Stars, Instagram Singers, Social Media Stars
  • City/State: Washington
  • Siblings: Dove Cameron
  • Known as: Claire Zoe Hosterman
  • Birth Place: Seattle, Washington

Claire Hosterman born at

Seattle, Washington

Birth Place

Claire Hosterman was always very close to her younger sister, Dove. As Dove made startling success with her acting career in Hollywood, Claire remained on the sidelines and started a career in voice training. She was talented and gained experience by studying voice formally and participating in various events. She appeared on stage in the Bainbridge Performing Arts 2008, Young Playwrights Festival and worked as an apprentice to Steven Fogell as assistant director for the BPA Camp Teen Bainbridge production of ‘Les Miserables’.

The Meteoric Rise To Stardom

Her hard work and dedication was recognised when she was named the winner of the Seventh Annual Amy Award for Emerging Artists of 2008. The award is given by Arts & Humanities Bainbridge each year to a young artist who consistently exhibits a sense of quality, creativity, exploration and dedication in his / her chosen field of art. It was not long before she directed various Bainbridge High School and BPA productions on her own.

The Meteoric Rise To Stardom

She always wanted to teach music and saw it as a means to reach out to the world and make people realise their worth. She started by taking private voice lessons in her studio in Burbanks (Los Angeles) which turned out to be most popular among parents as well as her young students. Her success prompted her to extend her reach by taking tutorials online via Skype so that students could take lessons from anywhere in the world. She was sceptical about the efficacy of Skype in the beginning because of the poor quality of sound, but when she realised the vast potential of the idea, she worked to perfect her skills to overcome all hurdles in imparting online lessons. She tailor-made lessons that involved a lot of hard work. However, it paid off and the venture was a great success, bringing her name onto the world music map.

The Meteoric Rise To Stardom

She believes that everyone can sing and all that is required is the right technique for the voice to bloom. She is known to have incredible patience with her students and teaches them with love and affection. Posts put up on social media by her students, praising her nature and approach to teaching voice technique, are what she considers her biggest reward.

The Meteoric Rise To Stardom

Claire Hosterman is of Scottish and French decent. She was born to Phillip Alan Hosterman and Bonnie Wallace on March 10, 1989 in Seattle Washington. She is seven years older to her sister, Dove, who became famous as a Disney Channel star. The two girls were very close from childhood and grew up together in Seattle.

Behind The Curtains

Her father was the founder of the Kandahar Trading Company, an ethnic fashion accessories company. He enjoyed music as a hobby and accompanied the two girls on the piano and saxophone while he was alive. Her mother, Bonnie Wallace, authored a book called ‘The Hollywood Parents Guide’. Her parents later divorced and her father passed away when they were still young.

Behind The Curtains

The broken family and absence of a father made her all the more closer to her younger sister. She also was like an elder sister to her sister’s boyfriend, Ryan Mc Cartan. Unfortunately, the relationship broke up before it could fully bloom. Claire graduated from Bainbridge High School in 2007 and went on to pursue a degree in anthropology at Pitzer Colllege, California.

Behind The Curtains

She experimented with vegan cuisine to become a promoter of vegetarian food. Other than the fact that her boyfriend, Sohrab Mirmont, was the assistant director for her sister’s first music video, not much is known about her personal life on social media. Her status is still single.

Behind The Curtains