Charles Taylor

@Former President of Liberia, Timeline and Childhood

Charles Taylor is a former politician from Liberia, who served as the President of the country for six years

Jan 28, 1948

School DropoutsWar CriminalsLeadersPolitical LeadersAquarius Celebrities

Personal Details

  • Birthday: January 28, 1948
  • Nationality: Liberian
  • Famous: Former President of Liberia, School Dropouts, War Criminals, Leaders, Political Leaders
  • Spouses: Jewel Taylor
  • Known as: Charles McArthur Taylor, Charles McArthur Ghankay Taylor
  • Childrens: Beuford Jensen Taylor, Camille Grace Taylor, Charal Gina Taylor, Charen Zally Taylor, Charles McArther Emmanuel, Charlyne Adrina Taylor, Charmaine Taylor, Gritchawn Taylor, Phillip Charles Taylor, Silvia Zoe Taylor
  • Universities:
    • Bentley University

Charles Taylor born at

Arthington, Liberia

Birth Place

The Liberian political leader was initially married to Enid Tupee Taylor, from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Personal Life

In 1997, Charles got married to Jewel Cianeh Howard, but they separated after nine years’ of marriage. Currently Jewel is the Senior Senator of Liberia.

Personal Life

The former President has fifteen children from various wives and girlfriends.

Personal Life

Charles McArthur Ghankay Taylor was born to Nelson and his wife Bernice, on January 28, 1948, in the town of Arthington, Liberia. While Bernice belonged to the Gola tribe of Liberia, Nelson was an Americo-Liberian, who did various kinds of jobs like that of a teacher, lawyer and judge.

Childhood & Early Life

Charles graduated from 'Bentley College' at the city of Waltham, Massachusetts, U.S.A., in 1977.

Childhood & Early Life

After graduating, this young man came back to Liberia to work for the leader of the country, Samuel Doe. Taylor took part in the uprising of April 12, 1980, under the leadership of Doe, against the President William R. Tolbert, Jr. Tolbert was killed in the coup and a military rule was established by Doe's party, 'People's Redemption Council'.


Charles was made the Director General of the 'General Services Agency' ('GSA'), an organization that was responsible for making procurements for the government. In 1983, he was removed from the post because he had stolen $1000000 from the government for personal use.


Though he tried to escape to the United States of America, he was arrested by U.S. officials and imprisoned at the 'Plymouth County House of Corrections' in Massachusetts. Here, the convict tried to convince that he was being incriminated for political reasons rather than criminal, but to no avail.


The prisoner took the help of a few other convicts and fled from the jail on September 15, 1985. According to news reports they had cut through a bar outside a window, sliding down using tied up sheets, and finally disappearing into the woods.


Though reports say that the inmates were assisted by Taylor's wife Enid and her sister Lucia, the man himself claimed much later that he was helped by CIA agents.


'Lord of the War', a Nicolas Cage starrer, featured a character named Andre Baptiste, Sr., which was partly inspired by this former President of Liberia
