New Insights into Infrared Dyes

Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University discovered the proper electronic structure of near-infrared absorbing oxocarbon-based dyes. These dyes have an intermediate state between closed-shell and open-shell electronic configurations, and as the wavelengths of near-infrared light absorbed increase, so does the contribution of open-shell forms in the dye. This discovery could lead to advances in the design, properties, functions, and applications of near-infrared absorbing dyes and the development of new near-infrared absorbing organic materials. The use of organic materials that efficiently absorb near-infrared light is essential for technological innovations that utilize near-infrared light, such as the dyes in smartphone cameras’ infrared blocking filters and security inks. The research was published in Chemical Science on August 28, 2023.

Near-Infrared Absorbing Dyes Get a New Look

A research team led by Osaka Metropolitan University has discovered the proper electronic structure of near-infrared absorbing oxocarbon-based dyes. Near-infrared light, which has a longer wavelength than visible light, is invisible and can pass through many substances. Organic materials that can efficiently absorb near-infrared light are essential for technological innovations that use near-infrared light, such as the dyes in smartphone camera’s infrared blocking filters and security inks.

Previously, near-infrared absorbing organic materials were thought of as closed-shell molecules without unpaired electrons. However, the joint research group discovered that near-infrared absorbing oxocarbon-based dyes have an intermediate state between closed-shell and open-shell electronic configurations. They also found that as the wavelengths of near-infrared light absorbed increase, the contribution of open-shell forms in the dye also increases.

The researchers hope that this discovery will lead to advances in the molecular design, properties, functions, and applications of near-infrared absorbing dyes and the development of new near-infrared absorbing organic materials that can be used in society.

The study titled “Unveiling a new aspect of oxocarbons: open-shell character of 4- and 5-membered oxocarbon derivatives showing near-infrared absorption” was published in Chemical Science on August 28, 2023.

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