Waterloo Community Schools Prepares for 2023-24 Academic Year

Waterloo Community Schools’ Board of Education will meet on Monday to discuss the budget and review new kindergarten through fifth-grade science curriculum. The science committee has proposed Amplify Science program, which costs approximately $1 million, and will be implemented in the 2023-24 academic year if approved. The board will also consider replacing outdated technology with 2,545 Chromebooks, 130 Dell laptops, 450 2-in-1 Chromebooks, server equipment from Dell, and 1,640 carrying cases, costing $1.1 million. Furthermore, the purchase of interactive displays and carts for five elementary schools, along with student transportation and furniture for high school media centers, will be discussed. Finally, the board will consider a $81,500 quote from Pro Track and Tennis, Inc. to resurface the West High tennis court.

Waterloo Community Schools Prepares for the 2023-24 School Year

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On Monday, the Board of Education will convene to discuss Waterloo Community Schools’ budget for the upcoming academic year. The meeting will take place at the Education Service Center on Washington Street. The district’s CFO will present the maximum certified budget, which includes the expenditure estimate and the property tax levy rate.

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Additionally, the board will review a new science curriculum for kindergarten through fifth-grade students, costing approximately $1 million. The Amplify Science program offers a unique blend of hands-on experiments, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to enhance student learning.

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A science committee comprising of one teacher from each school, math coaches, the director of elementary education, and the elementary curriculum coordinator selected the Amplify Science program. The proposed purchase includes teacher guides, hands-on materials, five books per unit, seven-year licenses for teachers and students, seven years of investigation notebooks, and professional learning for teachers. If approved, the curriculum will be implemented during the 2023-24 academic year.

The board will also decide on the purchase of new interactive displays and technology for five elementary schools. The current interactive technology, which is 13 years old, will be replaced with Boxlight MimioPro displays and carts at a cost of $488,976. The installation of the displays will cost an additional $112,458 through Communications Engineering Company.

The board will also consider purchasing technology, including 2,545 Chromebooks, 130 Dell laptops, 450 2-in-1 Chromebooks, server equipment from Dell, and 1,640 carrying cases, for a total of $1.1 million. The new devices will replace outdated computers that have reached the end of their life.

Other items on the board’s agenda include:

  • A contract with First Student, Inc. for student transportation services from 2023 to 2026.

  • The purchase of furniture for the media centers at East and West High Schools from Office Concepts for $102,262.

  • The resurfacing of the West High tennis court by Pro Track and Tennis, Inc. for $81,500.

Overall, the board’s decisions during Monday’s meeting will impact the district’s educational offerings for the upcoming academic year.

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