Kindness Matters: The Truth Behind Restaurants 1

Food writer Jennifer Burns is urging restaurant-goers to be more understanding and considerate towards the challenges faced by the industry, particularly in the current climate of staffing shortages and rising ingredient costs. She advises that it’s not fair to apply old standards for eating out without factoring in the new reality. Restaurants have to be near perfect at all times to make a profit and even then, have some of the lowest profit margins of any business. Therefore, instead of going on blast in an online review, patrons should work with the restaurant’s owner or manager to fix any issues positively. By doing so, they may help the right person who can actually do something productive to improve the establishment’s performance. Ultimately, let’s all promote growth and kindness in the restaurant industry to support our local communities.

Commentary: A Call for Kindness in the Restaurant Industry

In today’s world, restaurant owners and staff face a myriad of challenges that most patrons are not aware of. Therefore, food writer Jennifer Burns urges restaurant-goers to be kind and considerate towards these establishments, especially when posting online reviews.

Over the past three years, the restaurant industry has undergone tremendous changes that have made it more difficult for owners to run their businesses profitably. Staffing shortages and rising costs of ingredients have made it increasingly challenging to keep restaurants afloat, and many establishments are barely making ends meet.

As someone who has been an entrepreneur for most of her life, Burns understands the difficulties of starting and running a business. She explains that restaurants operate on some of the lowest profit margins of any business, and everything needs to be near perfect at all times to even make a profit. This is why it’s crucial for patrons to be understanding and patient when dining out.

Moreover, restaurants have a constantly changing process that requires staff training, new recipes, adapting to guests’ preferences, and many other factors. All of these areas need to work together like a well-oiled machine for a restaurant to function successfully. Therefore, owners face the constant challenge of finding good staff, training them, and keeping them motivated.

Burns suggests that, when writing restaurant reviews, patrons should be mindful of the human factor and consider the challenges that restaurant owners and staff face daily. Instead of immediately posting negative reviews online, she urges patrons to reach out to owners or managers first to possibly get an explanation or solution. This way, they may help educate the right person who can actually do something productive to improve the establishment’s performance.

Posting negative reviews can have a significant impact on a restaurant’s reputation, future customers, staff morale, and the bottom line. It may also lead to reduced margins, slower business, and even job losses. Therefore, it’s essential to be kind and considerate when reviewing restaurants, especially during these challenging times.

In conclusion, let’s all promote growth in the restaurant industry by being more understanding, kind, and patient when dining out. By doing so, we can help keep more doors open for business and support our local communities.

The Importance of Kindness in Online Restaurant Reviews

When posting online reviews for restaurants, it’s important to remember to be kind and considerate. Rather than airing your complaints publicly, it’s advisable to reach out to the restaurant’s owner or manager first and express your experience so that they can work on fixing it positively. As food writer Jennifer Burns says, “Remember mom’s words – ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.'” We never know what someone is going through, so being kind is crucial. Let’s all promote positivity and kindness in online restaurant reviews, especially during these challenging times.

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