Surviving Bone Marrow Cancer: A Second Chance 1

Martin Ngaruiya Gaitho, a bone marrow cancer survivor, underwent a bone marrow transplant that saved his life. He experienced side effects such as nausea, low appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness due to high-dosage chemotherapy. After the transplant, he had to stay in isolation for 14 days because his immunity was at zero. Stem cells can be harvested through an infusion and transplanted into the patient, but before that, the patient must be put on medication that sterilizes them. Positive pressure facilities are required for stem cell transplants to eliminate any organisms that could harm the patient.

Surviving Bone Marrow Cancer: A Second Chance 5

Martin Ngaruiya’s Journey Through Bone Marrow Cancer and Transplant

Martin Ngaruiya Gaitho, a 57-year-old bone marrow cancer survivor, went through a painful journey that led him to have a bone marrow transplant. In April 2022, he started experiencing severe pain in his lower back and around his ribs, and he was admitted to the hospital. Tests were conducted, which revealed spots on his back and high protein in his urine, and he was suspected to have either multiple myeloma or bone marrow cancer.

After the bone marrow aspiration was done to extract his bone marrow for lab tests, it was confirmed that Martin had bone marrow cancer Stage 2. Martin was devastated, and he kept the news to himself initially, but eventually shared the news with his family. At the time, he was unaware that a bone marrow transplant was an option.

In June, Martin started oral chemotherapy, but he was informed by the doctor in charge that experts from India would be performing bone marrow transplants. Martin was eligible for one since he was below 60 years old. He was thrilled and told the doctor to include him on the list. Members of his family were also delighted, as they could stay close to him compared to if he had had the treatment in India.

Martin finished nine cycles of oral chemotherapy and then two of injections, but his levels were still high, so he had to undergo two more cycles of chemotherapy injections. After his levels went down, Martin was finally admitted on December 30, 2022, and the procedure was done on January 11, 2023. He was discharged on January 24, 2023.

Martin’s wife, Loice Ngaruiya, stated that his family thought the world had come to an end when they first heard the news of his cancer. However, they believed he would be okay. She was relieved that they didn’t have to go to India, and as much as he was in isolation after the transplant, his loved ones were close by.

In summary, Martin’s bone marrow transplant gave him a second chance to live, and he is grateful for it.

The Side Effects and Recovery of a Bone Marrow Transplant

Martin Ngaruiya Gaitho is a bone marrow cancer survivor who underwent a bone marrow transplant. He says that the high-dosage chemotherapy, which destroyed all his cells, left his hands black. Additionally, he experienced side effects such as nausea, low appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness. Despite the unpleasant effects, he chose to feed on his own instead of using pipes and convinced himself not to vomit.

After the transplant, Martin had to stay in isolation for 14 days because his immunity was at zero. During this time, he had a special diet that included boiled meat or chicken without cooking fat, which he describes as tasteless. Martin, however, persevered through the tasteless meals and remained positive about his recovery.

Almost a year after his initial diagnosis, Martin came for a checkup and blood tests at Nairobi West Hospital, where his cancer levels were tested. Although he has no immunization in his body, he remains optimistic and avoids crowded places, wears a mask all the time, and does not shake hands. According to Dr. Kibet Shikuku, the chairperson of Kenya Hemophilia Association and Head of Medical Projects at Nairobi West Hospital, a bone marrow transplant is a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation that does not involve surgery.

He explains that previously, doctors would numb the patient and extract the marrow using a needle in theatre. However, today, they use medication to stimulate the marrow and release the stem cells into the normal blood vessels.

In summary, a bone marrow transplant is an intensive treatment that can cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea, low appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness. It also requires the patient to be in isolation for an extended period. However, with determination and a positive attitude, patients can recover and live a fulfilling life after undergoing a bone marrow transplant.

The Process of Harvesting and Transplanting Stem Cells

According to Dr. Shikuku, stem cells can be harvested from a patient’s blood by using equipment that spins the blood and creates layers. One of these layers is a stem cell layer, which can be separated from the other cells based on density. The stem cell layer is then put into a bag, and the remaining cells and fluids are returned to the patient.

The harvesting of stem cells is now a less aggressive process than before, and doctors use medication to stimulate the marrow and release the stem cells. Stem cells can be transplanted through an infusion, similar to a blood transfusion. However, before a patient can be transplanted, they must be put on medication that sterilizes them, which wipes out their immunity. As a result, the patient must be in a highly sterilized environment where any form of infection is kept at bay.

Such a facility is called a positive pressure facility, where air is at a higher pressure than outside, and organisms that can cause harm to the patient are eliminated. Usually, death is not as a result of the treatment but as a result of lowered immunity and infections setting in.

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