Karnataka Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot has announced that the state government will publish higher education textbooks in Kannada, the local language. Translating texts into local languages can make Indian higher education more inclusive across the state. Universities say that study material in local languages exists in some selected social science courses, but most science, technology, and commerce courses lack study material in the local language. Lack of study material in Kannada puts students at a disadvantage, especially those from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Making textbooks and reference material available in the local language is vital to strengthen these courses and enhance the quality of education and employability. In December 2022, the University Grants Commission (UGC) held a meeting with international publishers to explore the potential of translating undergraduate textbooks originally written in English into India’s regional languages.

Kannada: A Vital Addition to Indian Higher Education

Karnataka Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot has recently announced that the state government will publish all higher education textbooks in Kannada, which is the local language. This move will make Indian higher education more inclusive, according to universities.

Currently, study material in local languages exists in some selected social science courses. However, translating reference and course material into Kannada by a few translators is the only option available. According to Lingaraja Gandhi, the Vice Chancellor of Bangalore City University, most science, technology, and commerce courses lack study material in the local language.

Out of 4 crore students, almost 3 crore students are enrolled in these courses, making study material availability in Kannada a significant concern. Making textbooks and reference material available in the local language is vital to strengthen these courses and enhance the quality of education and employability. Lack of study material in their local language puts students at a disadvantage, especially those from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

Many universities have given their 54 boards of studies the responsibility to identify the texts and reference books needed to be translated into Kannada. In addition to translated texts, audio-visual modes of study material are a need of the hour.

Last month, the Chairman of the University Grants Commission, M Jagadesh Kumar, had urged the chief ministers and governors across the states to encourage higher education in local languages at colleges and universities. The lack of textbooks and study material in local languages for many of the courses in higher education, science, commerce, and professional courses is a significant concern.

In conclusion, making textbooks and reference material available in the local language is crucial to strengthen higher education courses in Karnataka. It will enhance the quality of education and employability of students, especially those from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

UGC Discusses Translating English Textbooks into Regional Languages

In December 2022, the University Grants Commission (UGC) held a meeting with international publishers to explore the potential of translating undergraduate textbooks originally written in English into India’s regional languages.

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