Passover: Journey to Freedom

Passover is the most widely celebrated holiday on the Jewish calendar, commemorating the release of the Jewish people from slavery thousands of years ago. The holiday begins on April 5th and offers Jews an opportunity to journey out of their inner narrowness and free themselves from things to which they have become enslaved. The Seder is a home-based ritual held on the first two nights of Passover, consisting of 15 steps, and utilizes a manual called a Haggadah to guide participants. The Los Alamos Jewish Center will hold a second night community Seder on April 6th, reservations and pre-payment for the meal are required by March 27th. The traditional greeting during Passover is Chag Kasher V’sameach, meaning “may you have a kosher and joyous holiday.” The Los Alamos Jewish Center is located at 2400 Canyon Road. Rabbi Jack, an expert in Physics and Jewish literature, is available for more information about Passover and Jewish tradition on his website.

Passover: A Journey from Slavery to Freedom

Discover the Meaning of Passover 3

Passover is the most widely celebrated holiday on the Jewish calendar, commemorating the release of the Jewish people from slavery thousands of years ago. While the historical accuracy of the Exodus is questionable, Passover remains an annual opportunity for Jews to free themselves from various enslavements. The holiday begins on Wednesday evening, April 5th.

The seder is a home-based ritual held on the first two nights of Passover, modeled on the talk-feasts of ancient Greece. The ceremony consists of 15 steps and utilizes a manual called a Haggadah to guide participants. Questions are asked throughout the evening to stimulate the interest of even the youngest members. There are thousands of published haggadot available, including themed versions such as The Human Rights Haggadah, the San Diego Women’s Haggadah, the Haggadah for the Vegetarian Family, the (unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah, the Emoji Haggadah, and the Baseball Haggadah – A Festival of Freedom and Springtime in 15 Innings.

The seder focuses on a retelling of the story of the Exodus, with the goal of inculcating the importance of freedom in successive generations. The feast is a festive meal that begins with the eating of symbolic foods, including bitter herbs and matzah (unleavened bread). Bitter herbs are eaten to remind Jews of the bitterness of slavery, while matzah represents the bread of affliction. Before Passover, Jews rid themselves and their dwellings of chametz – leavened products. Some Jews avoid all chametz for the full eight-day duration of Passover. Spiritually, chametz is likened to being stuck in a rut, overly rigid, or puffed up with pride. Passover is thus an opportunity for self-examination and self-improvement.

Passover offers Jews an opportunity to journey out of their inner mitzraim (narrowness) and free themselves from things to which they have become enslaved, such as food, sex, work, money, time, family, appearance, fear, and more. Mitzraim is the Hebrew word for Egypt and also represents enslavement. The holiday serves as a reminder to reflect on how to live better and make positive changes.

Passover Community Seder at Los Alamos Jewish Center

The Los Alamos Jewish Center will hold a second night community seder on Thursday, April 6th, starting at 5:30 PM. Reservations and pre-payment for the meal are required by March 27th. Visit to make a reservation. The traditional greeting during Passover is Chag Kasher V’sameach, meaning “may you have a kosher and joyous holiday.” The Los Alamos Jewish Center is located at 2400 Canyon Road. For more information about the Jewish Center, visit For information about Rabbi Jack, visit

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