Beijing is ready to respond to Washington’s attempts to ‘exaggerate’ the situation, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says
The downing of a Chinese balloon was nothing but a “abuse of force” by Washington, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the Munich security conference on Sunday.
The United States will support the “consequences” if he attempts to further inflame tensions over the incident, China’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement outlining the exchange.
unique to america “High-altitude balloons have illegally flown over China several times,” he said, adding that Washington is “not able to smear China” since the United States itself is “the number one country in terms of surveillance.”
The only thing the United States achieved by knocking the ball down was to damage relations between Washington and Beijing, the ministry said, adding that the United States should “show sincerity” and solve the problem instead of trying to “dramatize” even further.
“If the United States continues to dramatize, hype, or escalate the situation, it will respond in kind for as long as it takes,” Beijing warned, adding that any consequences “will be borne by the American side.”
Wang Yi also criticized Washington for what the Chinese ministry called “Fan the Flames” of the Ukrainian conflict and “take advantage of the situation”. A great nation like the United States is expected to work towards a political settlement of such a crisis, the diplomat said, adding that this is what China is committed to.
Earlier this week, China criticized the United States for its “overreaction” the presence of an alleged Chinese spy balloon in US airspace by shooting it down and imposing sanctions on several Chinese companies. Beijing has also pledged to take “countermeasures” against US entities in return, but did not provide any details on the potential response.
Chinese authorities have claimed the balloon that crossed North America earlier this month was an unmanned civilian airship that veered off course and inadvertently entered US airspace. An American fighter plane shot it down off South Carolina. US President Joe Biden’s administration later claimed the balloon was part of a Chinese spy program believed to target more than 40 nations.
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