The cast and crew of the upcoming comedy film, Joy Ride, have been honored with the CinemaCon Comedy Ensemble of the Year Award. Just days after the film’s first trailer debuted at SXSW, the award was presented to them by the national association of theater owners, CinemaCon. Joy Ride, directed by Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Hsu, and Sabrina Wu, tells the story of a group of friends on an international adventure of self-discovery, friendship, and debauchery. The film is set to be released in cinemas on July 7, 2023. The CinemaCon Comedy Ensemble of the Year Award recognizes the outstanding work and dedication of the cast and crew. The film’s star-studded lineup includes Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Hsu, and Sabrina Wu, as well as Lim, Hsiao, Chevapravatdumrong, and Point Grey’s Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, James Weaver, and Josh Fagen.

Joy Ride Receives Acclaim at CinemaCon

The cast and crew of Joy Ride were honored with the CinemaCon Comedy Ensemble of the Year Award just days after the release of their first trailer at SXSW. The film, directed by Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Hsu, and Sabrina Wu, features a hilarious and fearless performance that takes audiences on a journey of friendship and self-discovery.

The movie will be showcased at CinemaCon on April 27, 2023, ahead of the convention’s Big Screen Achievement Awards. Joy Ride will hit theaters on July 7, 2023. According to Mitch Neuhauser, Managing Director of CinemaCon, “We’re so ecstatic to recognize their outstanding work with this year’s CinemaCon Comedy Ensemble of the Year Award, and can’t wait for audiences to witness their unforgettable journey.”

Joy Ride tells the story of Audrey (Park) and her unexpected childhood best friend, Lolo (Cola), Kat (Hsu), and Deadeye (Wu) as they embark on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure. Their epic journey of wild debauchery becomes a journey of bonding, friendship, belonging, and self-discovery. The film also stars Lim, Hsiao, Chevapravatdumrong, and Point Grey’s Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, James Weaver, and Josh Fagen as actors.

With its over-the-top humor and relatable storyline, Joy Ride is sure to entertain audiences of all ages. The CinemaCon Comedy Ensemble of the Year Award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the cast and crew, and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next.

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